About Beta Alpha Education Foundation
The Beta Alpha Education Foundation was established in April 2012 as a 501(c)(3) public charity for the purpose of providing scholarships and granting money for educational related housing infrastructure at the Missouri University of Science and Technology. The Foundation primarily solicits funds from the alumni of the Beta Alpha chapter of Kappa Alpha Order on the MS&T campus. The KA house is recognized as “university approved housing” and provides an excellent educational platform. Average GPA’s from the undergraduate members routinely surpass those of the campus at large and are often higher than other Greek organizations on Campus.
Endowed scholarships through the university have been a large part of alumni giving for many years. With the formation of the Foundation, we have a vehicle to increase direct contribution scholarships to undergraduates. Direct contribution scholarships are given yearly by individual donors and are not part of an ongoing endowment. Currently between $50,000 and $60,000 are awarded yearly. About half of this total come from yearly, direct contributions by alumni.
In addition to giving scholarships to undergraduate members of Kappa Alpha, the Foundation gives scholarships that are open to the campus at large. The Harold K. Chernoff Memorial Magnolia and Rose Scholarships are awarded to highly qualified female recipients each year at Homecoming.
The Foundation is also involved in improving the educational infrastructure that these students live and study in every day. In 2014 the 55-year-old Kappa Alpha chapter house was gutted and remodeled to meet the needs of the modern-day student. About 25% of the remodel cost was raised by the Foundation and granted to the housing corporation in charge of construction. A 5-year pledge campaign was completed in 2019 where 97% of initial pledges were completed as donations.
We are incredibly grateful for the generous financial support we have received as well as the time and talents our alumni donate to make the Foundation possible.
If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to the BAEF, please click the button below.